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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

alldaybuffet covers P:R performance, Jal

In recapping the cornucopia of goodness that was The Feast, the people over at alldaybuffet have mentioned Kyle and Barrett's performance to Joshua's song "Reversible".  We're still tracking down video of the performance; once we get it we'll post it here. 

At the Feast, Jerri and Michael also decided to pump up the crowd by playing the Emmanuel Jal music video "War Child", which excited us because Jal is one of our biggest inspirations (see "P:R Inspiration" on the right). He's living proof of the ways music (and art generally) can spur a uniquely emotional connection to activism. This is the essence of creative entrepreneurial idealism (CEI): using art toward social or activistic ends. 

CEI has such great potential within the realms of Social Entrepreneurism and civic engagement because, in a world overrun with causes and advertising, saying "look at what a big problem X is!" just doesn't cut it anymore. Causes need to stand out from others, and activism needs to be made fun. CEI tries to do that, and in the process draw a wider audience to the mission. For the detailed CEI pitch, see its home base, The Ideabox.

1 comment:

Michael said...


What a great album it is, 10 out of 10
